Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Georgia Grown

On Saturday, the Georgia Department of Agriculture hosted the first Georgia Grown Farmer Showcase at the State Farmer's Market in Forest Park.  What an exciting day!  So many great operations from around the state were represented.  It was fun to walk around and taste samples and chat with friends!  There were the big peach farms: Dickey, Jaemor and Lane.  There were also other aspects of agriculture represented: The Rock Ranch along with Jaemor represented the Agritourism industry.  Our friends Matt and Melissa from Bottoms nursery were selling blueberries and plants.  We finally got to meet their newest edition!  There were cut flower nurseries, pony rides, bakeries, pea and bean growers, and many, many more. 

Breads, beans, squash, plums, nectarines, blackberries, and peaches!

Drew and Chris, the produce pimps.

Ian was a tremendous help!

Mrs. Echols always knows what needs to be done.

 Thanks for the Chick-fil-A cow.  Moo!
This looks serious.

Cohen was the official berry taster.  If it wasn't sweet, spit it on the ground.

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