Saturday, July 7, 2012

A Day for Dad

Father's Day was a nice relaxing day spent with family and friends. We started by surprising my Dad at his church. After an impromptu lunch at Mom & Dad's, we headed home. We spent the afternoon with Michael, Kim, and Willie (their beautiful golden retriever). It is always a treat to hang out with them. Later we went to Nana & Papa's house for dinner that Nana cooked. The kids were excited to give Drew his Father's Day gifts: Chloe made him a stepping stone with ice cream painted on it that she made at art camp, Cohen made him a card and traced the letters to spell "Happy Father's Day! Love, Cohen" at therapy, the kids gave him some shirts and lawn furniture. Who would have guessed that sitting in the yard every evening watching the goats eat and play would become a family favorite?!

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