Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Watch out boys!

Friday we took Willis to be neutered. Poor guy.

Chloe had all kinds of questions about what they were doing to him. I kept telling her that they were doing surgery to make him be nicer. I was purposefully vague because she might not notice any difference.  Why tell her more than she would notice?

When we picked him up Saturday morning, Chloe wanted to sit in the back seat beside the crate.  As soon as I put him in the crate in the car, Chloe said, "Mom! They put stitches on his privates!" Hmm... how in the world do I explain this one?  I finally decided to tell her that they took off the part of his "privates" that can make dogs meaner. Without missing a beat, she said, "well, they need to do that to some of my friends at school."  I love that girl!


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