Wednesday, June 6, 2012

Ok.  Here we go.  My very first attempt at blogging.  I created my blog over a year ago and never have posted the first thing.  There may never be a soul who reads this.  That is ok.  I just want to have a written account of things that matter to me.  So, let the good times roll!

This week has been hectic.  We have had VBS all week (today is Wednesday, day 4) and we are all exhausted!  Holly began the summer sitting the kids Monday and Tuesday so I could actually work.  Funny that I have to work so I can pay the sitter...

 Cohen had physical therapy today with Ms Nicole.  He was exhausted.  After therapy, we stopped by The Varsity and grabbed some dogs, onion rings, and frosted oranges and met Drew and Chloe at Jaemor for lunch.  Yummy.  Did I mention that Chloe worked with Drew today while Cohen and I went to Cumming?  Nothing lazy about that girl.  Love her...

Chloe's work boots...

We have all bathed and are ready for Bible School. 

Nothing astounding happened today, except that we all got to spend time together in our own ways.  Making memories...

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