Saturday, July 7, 2012

Let Freedom Ring!

Independence  Day... one of those holidays that somehow the meaning has been lost.  So many people say "happy 4th of July" and can't even tell you what the actual holiday celebrates.  To them, it is a day off work, cookouts, and fireworks.  The rest is forgotten. 

So, here I go.  We live in the most exceptional country in the world (if Obama is defeated it will continue to be).  On July 2, 1776, the Continental Congress voted to draft a declaration to the King of the independence of the states in America.  Thomas Jefferson and his committee were assigned the task of drafting the letter.  It was finished and adopted on July 4.  Every man who signed this Declaration of Independence was committing treason.  Should the American Revolution have ended the other way, these men would have all been killed for such an act. 

This brings me back to today.  Are we willing to sacrifice the way they did then?  To put our reputation and even money to the task of making a stand against a "ruler" who is not doing what is right and just by the people?  Election day is coming in November.  That is your chance to sign your declaration of independence. 

Now, on to our family's festivities.  Drew *always* cooks hamburgers and hot dogs for the workers at Jaemor as a thank you, I appreciate you, keep up the good work.  It is something he really looks forward to...even if he doesn't admit it.  So, this year was no different.  We spent the morning cooking 64 hamburgers and 30-something hot dogs.  After lunch was over, I think every Hispanic worker came up to me and thanked me for the lunch.  That makes the hard work on a holiday worth it! 

After lunch was over, we headed to Mimi's for some pool time before the family cookout. 

There is never a dull moment around the Pass family!  Papa is always good for a laugh!  Chloe swam and played with Greg and Sabrina's oldest, Cody.  Cohen and Hadleigh swam together, raced, and held hands.  Such cuties!

This year we broke tradition and didn't join the Austin's for fireworks in Demorest.  We always have such a great time with them, but this year the kids were exhausted, as was Drew.  So we went home.  After about 20 minutes of dancing in the yard with sparklers, the neighbors began shooting their fireworks. 

We rode the golf cart to the top of the hill in front of our house to get a better view.  Wow!  From where we were, we could see the fireworks in Demorest, all of the area family fireworks, as well as fireworks over Lake Lanier.  360 degrees of fireworks.  All of the beauty without the noise.  It was such a special way to end the day. 

Just the four of us on our quiet little spot on the hill. 


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